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Live Bands

Radiation City

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Beginning as a simple idea to create and share songs with one another, Radiation City has grown into a project found by many. With each record comes a vibrant, new reason to continue. New motivations for making the music, different inspirations. Each year brings a continued understanding for “what it all means”.
Art is fragile, needing constant care and love. Devotion. It represents who we are at different times in our lives, which is always changing, and should not be represented by what exists externally.
Radiation City’s new, unreleased record, “Synesthetica”, is about life. How we adapt. What lies beyond just pressing play. Listening to colors, not just lyrics. How textures and tones can dramatically shift our perception, with the slightest change.
Listen to all of it. Hear whatever you want. Let it pull you apart.

Radiation City è presentato in Italia da NEW LIFE PROMO e

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